The 10 Step HIPAA Compliance Review


If there is one life or death issue for a Covered Entity and its Business Associate, it has to be HIPAA compliance. This is one point that could determine whether they will continue to be in business or fold up. This underlines the criticality of HIPAA compliance for a Covered Entity and a Business Associate.

While providing the appropriate patient rights and controls on its uses and disclosures is important to show compliance with HIPAA, a Covered Entity or a Business Associate needs to do more: it has to also to demonstrate this.

The CE or BA should also have performed the appropriate analysis of the risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic Protected Health Information (PHI). Unless this is done in a compliant manner, the CE or BA cannot ensure that it is protecting the PHI from vulnerabilities. Loss of a device holding data, accidental acts or intentional acts, such as cyberattacks, which have only become accentuated in recent times, are some of these.

Given the utter vitality of ensuring HIPAA compliance, shouldn’t Covered Entities and their Business Associates get a proper and thorough understanding of how to do this? This learning will be imparted at a webinar that is being organized on September 9 by MentorHealth, a leading provider of professional training for all the areas of healthcare.

The doyen of HIPAA compliance, Jim Sheldon Dean, will be the expert at this webinar, at which he will explain a 10-step method that will help participants gain thorough clarity of HIPAA compliance. Please register for this webinar by visiting—how-to-ensure-your-compliance-is-up-to-date-801767LIVE?wordpress-SEO.


The expert will show how a Covered Entity or a Business Associate can ensure HIPAA compliance in a structured and logical manner over just ten days and thus escape enforcement actions from the HHS. He will explain how to carry these out in the 10-day span, which will be laid out in this manner:

  • Day One: Research of Your Operations
  • Day Two: Limitations on Uses and Disclosures
  • Day Three: Patient Rights under HIPAA
  • Day Four: HIPAA Risk Analysis
  • Day Five: HIPAA Security Safeguards
  • Day Six: HIPAA Security and Breach Notification Policies and Procedures
  • Day Seven: Documentation of Policies and Procedures
  • Day Eight: Training in Policies and Procedures Related to HIPAA
  • Day Nine: Verification and Audits of Compliance
  • Day Ten: Long Term Compliance Planning and Risk Management

The following areas will be covered at this webinar:

  • Find out how to relate your office’s activities to the regulations
  • Learn what are the ways you can share information under HIPAA, and the ways you may not
  • Find out about HIPAA requirements for access and patient preferences, as well as the requirements to protect PHI
  • Learn how to use an information security management process to evaluate risks and make decisions about how best to protect PHI and meet patient needs and desires
  • Find out what policies and procedures you should have in place for dealing with e- mail and texting, as well as any new technology
  • Learn about the training and education that must take place to ensure your staff uses e- mail and texting properly and does not risk exposure of PHI
  • Find out the steps that must be followed in the event of a breach of PHI
  • Learn about how the HIPAA audit and enforcement activities are now being increased and what you need to do to survive a HIPAA audit.


About the expert: Jim Sheldon-Dean is the founder and director of compliance services at Lewis Creek Systems, LLC, a Vermont-based consulting firm founded in 1982, providing information privacy and security regulatory compliance services to a wide variety of health care entities.

Sheldon-Dean has more than 30 years of experience in policy analysis and implementation, business process analysis, information systems and software development. His experience includes leading the development of health care related Web sites; award-winning, best-selling commercial utility software; and mission-critical, fault-tolerant communications satellite control systems.

Understanding HIPAA requirements for safeguarding PHI

Meeting the legal requirements required of a healthcare provider hinges on and depends directly on a clear grasp of HIPAA compliance requirements. A thorough grasp of HIPAA compliance entails being fully equipped with all the knowledge needed to put the proper policies and procedures in place. This is because providing the appropriate patient rights and controls on the uses and disclosures of Protected Health Information (PHI) is one of the hallmarks of being in compliance with HIPAA.

So, any organization that is being audited or is the subject of a compliance review has to show to the government that it not only has the ability to demonstrate how it is addressing all of the required security safeguards; but that it also has the documentation necessary for safeguarding patient PHI.

protected health info

Knowledge of the fundamentals is necessary

Solid grasp of HIPAA compliance requirements is necessary on the part of a healthcare practice, business or organization to understand all that it takes for protecting PHI. Complete and thorough understanding of the fundamentals of HIPAA compliance requirements is a must for an entity that has to ensure that the safeguards it currently has are good enough to withstand government scrutiny.

This is necessary for HIPAA implementation’s own sake; further, there is another major reason why healthcare practices, businesses or organizations need to have very sound knowledge of the HIPAA requirements. It is the significant rise in the number of HIPAA data breaches. Only a proper understanding HIPAA compliance requirements help entities understand which requirements they need to meet in order to safeguard PHI.

Hipaa Data

Hear from the expert on how to show compliance with HIPAA requirements

Given the enormity of the need for understanding HIPAA requirements in toto; it is necessary for entities to know clearly what needs to be done to facilitate this. This is the knowledge a webinar from MentorHealth, a leading provider of professional trainings for the healthcare industry, will be providing. The speaker at this webinar is Jay Hodes, who is President and Founder, Colington Security Consulting, LLC.

In order to gain the fullest understanding of the requirements needed for HIPAA compliance and all the aspects related to it, please register for this webinar.

The purpose of this webinar is to give participants an understanding of all aspects of HIPAA compliance. To make this understanding less complicated and likeable, Jay will break down the complexities of HIPAA compliance requirements in a simple and easy to understand method. The participants of this webinar will get clear knowledge of all the requirements for a comprehensive HIPAA compliance program and what steps they need to take in order to mitigate risk.


Jay will cover the following areas at this discussion:

  • Why was HIPAA created?
  • Who Must Comply with HIPAA Requirements?
  • What are the HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules?
  • What is a HIPAA Risk Management Plan?
  • What is meant by “Required” and “Addressable” Implementation Specifications?
  • What are Administrative, Technical, and Physical Safeguards Requirements?
  • What is a HIPAA Risk Assessment?
  • What are HIPAA training requirements?
  • What is a HIPAA data breach and what happens if it occurs?
  • What are the penalties and fines for non-compliance and how to avoid them?
  • Creating a Culture of Compliance
  • Questions

This course will be of immense value to personnel involved in one or another way with HIPAA implementation. these include Compliance Officers, HIPAA Privacy Officers, HIPAA Security Officers, Medical/Dental Office Managers, Practice Managers, Information Systems Managers, Chief Information Officers, General Counsel/Lawyers, Practice Management Consultants, Any Business Associates that accesses Protected Health Information, and IT Companies that support Medical/Dental practices or other healthcare organizations.

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