Awareness of the new HIPAA Audit and Enforcement activities is a must for organizations

When appearing for an exam, what do we do? We prepare for it, right? The same goes for a HIPAA audit. A HIPAA audit may not be an examination, but is an audit, which calls for even greater attention.


Organizations that are required to carry out HIPAA audits need to be strongly aware of what goes into HIPAA audit and enforcement activities. Carrying out HIPAA audits in tune with the prescribed rules and procedures is a regulatory requirement. Lack of it leads to penalties and other punitive actions. But there is a catch: HIPAA guidelines are rather vague. In addition, carrying out HIPAA audits involves having to go through several complicated steps.


So, what does this point to? That some element of familiarization with HIPAA Privacy and Security is necessary. Those carrying out HIPAA audits and showing compliance with HIPAA Privacy and Security have to also contend with the changes carried out into it.

Those carrying out a HIPAA audit need to approach it with an open and progressive mindset.

Needed: knowledge of the many regulations


Organizations that carry out HIPAA audits need to have knowledge of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, HITECH, what risk factors to into a federal audit and how to counter them, and the way an Electronic Health Record (EHR) works. These are in addition to many other areas that organizations need to have knowledge of.


This session will unravel the complexities of HIPAA Audit and Enforcement activities and all that needs to go into these and other related tricky issues pertaining to HIPAA. These include HIPAA Privacy Rule vs HIPAA Security Rule, Breach Notification Rule, how to conduct a Risk Assessment, how to write policies and procedures which are presentable to Federal auditors, how to choose a HIPAA Consultant, and much more.


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