How does an organization design a risk management toolbox?

Designing a Risk Management Toolbox Requires Ingenuity

Absolutely any business, be it oil exploration or aviation, or healthcare or textile, comes with an element of risk, big or small. Risk is the probability of harm to a business or any or all of its processes. Risk is inherent in each and every activity a business undertakes. A risk can affect the time, cost, reputation, or cause market value to crash. The risk in some sectors such as healthcare could go all the way up to death of the patient.

How does designing a Risk Management Toolbox help?

Because it is not always possible, even for the most experienced professionals and leaders, to anticipate all the risks that accrue to a business during its entire lifecycle; it helps to design some kind of a template that lists out the possible risks in an activity.

This should be some type of checklist against which management can keep evaluating the risk that goes into every activity the organization undertakes. This is what may be considered designing a Risk Management Toolbox. Designing a Risk Management Toolbox is a challenging task for an organization, because of the sheer complexity associated with such a task.


So, how does an organization design a risk management toolbox? Designing a Risk Management Toolbox is not something that can be done at once and used for a lifetime. Having said this, designing a Risk Management Toolbox is still a practical step an organization can take to assess risk and take steps to mitigate them. It entails taking the fullest steps to understand the minutest cause and source of risk in every of the business activities.

Designing a Risk Management Toolbox requires having the insight to understand these sources. It also requires having the foresight to anticipate the nature and gravity of risk in the future. All this means that designing a Risk Management Toolbox is something that requires a high degree of ingenuity and farsightedness.

General principles that need to be kept while designing a Risk Management Toolbox

When designing a Risk Management Toolbox, an organization’s management needs to keep a few points in mind:

Risk Management Shows Identifying, Evaluating And Treating Risks


Keeping ISO standards in mind

ISO has a standard on risk management. It is contained in a series of standards that starts from the digit 3. Just like ISO 9000 is about processes; a few of the ISO standards in the ‘3’ series relate to ways by which organizations engaged in different types of businesses can go ahead with designing a Risk Management Toolbox that meets their individual business unique needs.

Designing a Risk Management Toolbox that is in accordance with ISO standards also ensures that the organization is compliant with regulatory standards and requirements.

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Vaccines and immunotherapeutics on the rise



AAEAAQAAAAAAAAkJAAAAJDA2YjhlMzMxLWQ4NzItNDAwZS04YjI5LTJlNjM5ZTM4NDUyNAWith the advent of globalization, the profile and nature of spread of many infectious diseases have changed. Earlier, many infectious diseases were limited to certain specific geographical regions. But this has changed with the emergence of the globetrotter. Additional factors such as globalization of trade and commerce and global warming have contributed significantly to propelling and motivating people to travel more and more all over the world. This trend has brought about a perceptible increase in the incidence and spread of infectious diseases globally.

NGOs and others step in

Keeping this development in mind, government agencies, non-profit organizations, philanthropic groups and related agencies/institutions have been active in both funding vaccination programs for regions where infectious diseases are rampant, as well as for dealing with new outbreaks.

Impetus in research and the development of improved vaccines and their manufacture and control are an offshoot of these developments. However, one of the major challenges relating to vaccines is transporting them and using them in areas in which the climate is detrimental for their sustenance.

In order to overcome these, programs which aim at addressing the intricacies of supply chain management and stability issues taking the challenges they pose into consideration, need to be implemented. An abundant corpus of trained and qualified staff from a number of disciplines is an absolute need for implementing such a program.

A learning session to help understand these

To help health professionals get a complete understanding of the way vaccines and immunotherapeutic drugs work; MentorHealth, a world-renowned provider of professional trainings for the healthcare industry, is organizing a webinar.

Enrolling for this webinar is simple: All that you need to do is visit

The speaker at this webinar, Patrick Crowley, will cover the topic of development programs for immuno oncology products, which also require staffing by similarly skilled professionals.

This is a highly useful session for those in the profession of vaccines and immunotherapeutics, such as staff engaged in discovery, development and manufacture of conventional medications, engineering professionals involved in facility construction, or repurposing, Regulatory Affairs professionals or staff at medicines Evaluation Agencies, or those seeking career-change opportunities. It helps them to develop an understanding of the concepts, constraints and opportunities associated with vaccine products.

Useful for a number of kinds of professionals

The subject matter of this webinar is well suited for professionals who are experts in the various disciplines associated with conventional medications, or what are called the “small molecules”. It will help them to expand and develop their skills by involvement in vaccine-related programs including immuno-oncology.

The speaker will cover the following areas at this webinar:

  • History of and development of vaccine concepts
  • Fundamentals of vaccination
  • Vaccine Types
  • Administration of Vaccines
  • Future Concepts
  • Immuno-Oncology
  • Vaccine Manufacture

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Workplace Safety Regulations

Workplace Safety Regulations :


Workplace safety is a matter of grave importance to any organization. Ensuring the safety of workers is a primary goal of most countries, no matter which kind of political system or setup they have. This is because almost no workplace is free from some or another kind of hazard. These workplaces could be as varied as hospitals, construction sites, engineering plants or agriculture and many more.

Governments the world over consider it their duty to provide a safe workplace. Workplace safety can concern any hazard that can happen to either the physical or emotional wellbeing of a worker.

National and global workplace safety regulations :

Workplace safety regulations are legally stipulated measures that governments require organizations in both the private and public sector to implement in order to ensure safety at the workplace. Almost all countries have their own set of workplace safety regulations. These regulations work in tandem with a few global management systems with the aim of enhancing safety standards at the workplace.

A notable global organization that is at the forefront of legislating workplace safety regulations is the International Labor Organization (ILO). These ILO-mandated legislations are meant to supplement the national workplace safety regulations that most countries have. This is done in the belief that many a time, these individual legislations may not be sufficient in themselves.

Workplace safety regulations in the US :

Like most other countries, the US too has its own set of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards. Owing their origins to the Richard Nixon era in late 1970; workplace safety regulations in the US concretized under what is collectively called the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The major feature of OSHA is that apart from promulgating workplace safety regulations across nearly all conceivable sectors and types of industries; OSHA also has a provision for whistleblowing.

Most workplace safety regulations in the US are worker-friendly :

Being a major workplace safety regulation in the US, OSHA makes it obligatory for employers to provide a safe workplace for their employees. OSHA stipulates various workplace safety regulations for each type of industry and each type of activity. A very prominent feature of workplace safety regulations in the US is that when it comes to enforcement and applicability of these workplace safety regulations; there is no distinction between temporary and regular employees. Temporary employees are to be treated on par with regular employees in the administration of OSHA provisions.

Result of workplace safety regulations :

Considering the extent and gravity of the work it does; OSHA is a relatively small organization. It has a strength of just 2400 inspectors. They pick up their workplaces randomly for inspections. It is estimated that if OSHA inspectors were to fully inspect each and every workplace across the US for all their activities; this exercise would take more than a century and a quarter.

Yet, despite this severe limitation, it should be stated that workplace safety regulations legislated by OSHA has had very positive results. As a result of these workplace safety regulations, it is estimated that workplace-related fatalities fell by four fifths in the US in the century from 1913, despite the workforce numbers having grown multifold in the same period.


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How to prevent violence in the workplace

How to prevent violence in the workplace is one challenge many organizations across the world face. Workplace violence is a very common, but yet, complex phenomenon. It is as serious a social issue as say, alcoholism or spouse beating. It is simply not the case that employers can feel safe about every employee of theirs by just putting up a policy statement that takes a strong stand against violence.

Organizations need to take this not as some trivial issue that will come once in a while and fade away, but as one that is detrimental of both the employees and the organization. A startling fact reveals the gravity of this issue –as way back as nearly two decades ago –from the early to mid-1990’s –there were close to two million instances of workplace violence in the US.

Steps to take on how to prevent violence in the workplace

There are some ways about how to prevent violence at the workplace. The organization could put measures such as these:

  • Identifying the perpetrator and isolating him or her to the extent possible;
  • Denying access to weapons or any other injury-causing objects in the office for this employee;
  • Never allowing employees to work singly, but always in groups, at least small ones;
  • If there is an employee who has been known to have been targeted, such an employee has to be protected –both while working and outside;
  • In case of threats of violence from outside the organization, the organization needs to train employees on how to deal with it.

Understand the deeper causes

While the steps suggested above are important and go some way in addressing the issue of how to prevent violence in the workplace; these are steps that treat the symptoms of this malaise. Organizations surely need to put security measures such as these in place, but they need to understand workplace violence at its roots. They need to make a detailed and thorough understanding of this issue if they have to overcome the problem. This calls for a proper understanding on a case-by-case basis.

People who resort to violence are usually those who have deep-seated insecurity or grievance, in some instances real, and in some others, perceived. They are usually people who come from tormented and disturbed backgrounds. They need to be counseled about the consequences and futility of their behavior. This is not always the simplest of options, but something that requires time and effort. All this would be worthwhile, because addressing the root of the problem is the surest way on how to prevent violence in the workplace. Although time consuming and laborious, it is well worth the pursuit.
