Taking stock of the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a landmark legislation in the US. Passed in 2010 under then president Barak Obama; the ACA, popularly known as Obamacare after the president, has been a major influence on the American healthcare sector.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as Obamacare is formally known, is a series of legislations passed by the Obama administration aimed at reforming the healthcare sector. One of the most important changes it brought into the healthcare system is the inclusion of some 40 million Americans, who could not afford the prohibitive healthcare costs in the US, into the healthcare bracket.

Further, for the first time, this legislation required healthcare insurance providers to include preexisting diseases and disorders under the coverage of the insurance plans. Apart from overhauling the insurance market; it also expanded the working of Medicaid, a government healthcare program for underprivileged Americans.

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Footprints on a number of areas

It also impacts the healthcare industry in the US in other ways. Obamacare has also created insurance exchanges, portals which give Americans the freedom to shop for their healthcare coverage. Some of these plans even come with financial assistance from the government.

The ACA also lays great importance on preventive health by emphasizing the implementation of wellness programs in a number of places. It made changes into the ways physicians are paid for their services. It also requires public eating places such as ice cream parlors to display the number of calories the items they serve have.

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Now, how has it fared?

So, seven years after its passage, how well has the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act fared? It is to help take stock of the performance of this groundbreaking law that MentorHealth, a leading provider of professional trainings for the healthcare industry, will be organizing a webinar.

At this webinar, Max Reiboldt, a very senior healthcare professional, who brings nearly 45 years of total experience in healthcare and is President and CEO of Coker Group; will be the speaker. Joining him as his co-speaker is Aimee Greeter, who is a senior vice president at Coker Group specializing in areas such as alignment, accountable care responsiveness, hospital service line development, clinical integration initiatives, strategic planning, compensation, mergers and collaborations, operational issues, and financial management.


To hear these experts talk about the impact that the Affordable Care Act has had on the American healthcare industry; Read More

Looksee at all the areas of ACA

The aim of this webinar is to assess the impact that the ACA has made in the seven years for which it has been around. Towards this end, it will cover all the areas of ACA. It will address all major touchpoints that are relevant to the initiatives the law brought to prominence and their impacts on healthcare providers, patients and advisors. It will take up the following key areas specifically for consideration:

  • What has happened to ACOs and CINs since the passage of ACA?
  • What are the key reimbursement paradigm changes and their effect thus far?
  • How have the various forms of provider integration been affected by the ACA?
  • Should healthcare providers consider anything different relative to strategies for operational and financial success seven years after the passage of the ACA?
  • What are the remaining historical lessons learned seven years after the passage of the ACA?
  • Regardless of what ultimately happens to the law, what lasting impacts can we expect within the healthcare industry?

Healthcare Executives, Providers, and Attorneys, as well as everybody else associated with the implementation of Obamacare, or those whose practice or profession has been influenced by it in one way by it, such as CEO, CFO, COO, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors, and Healthcare Attorneys, will derive huge benefit from this presentation. This webinar will prepare them for the future of the healthcare industry in the accountable care era.

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