Responding to the special needs of college students with autism

College students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or just autism, have their own peculiar challenges. When they enter college, they face their own issues, because they need to be understood for the uniqueness they bring. This calls for a very wide understanding of college students with autism on the part of other students and other people in the college.


As the number of students attending university is increasing, those with autism are also enrolling in large numbers for colleges across the US. Around 50,000 youths with autism enter the age of 18 every year, out of whom just over a third go on to attend university. This means that Americans universities are dealing the college students with autism in the thousands every year.

Sensitization is very important

Given the unique nature of the condition, universities need to sensitize their students and other administrative and other persons with the nature of autism and the emotional and psychological needs and wants of college students with autism. Other students who come across college students with autism and with whom they have to interact on a consistent basis need to understand the special needs of this segment of students.

Research has shown that one of the areas in which college students with autism struggle is in “fitting in”. Mingling with students and talking and comprehending at their wavelength is quite a challenge for college students with autism. This leads to further levels of difficulty in finding jobs and building a successful career.

A lot of commitment, education and training, as well as an in-depth and operational understanding of the special needs of college students with autism is needed if they have to be imparted the kind of quality education that helps them integrate into the mainstream and find career opportunities.

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An important educative session on accepting and interacting with college students with autism

A very major and valuable educative webinar from MentorHealth, a leading provider of professional trainings for the healthcare industry, will throw light on this highly important topic of college students with autism. At this session, Aaron Hughey, who is a Professor in the Department of Counseling and Student Affairs at Western Kentucky University, will be the speaker.

To gain the critical learning needed for understanding the special needs of college students with autism, please register for this webinar by visiting

Evidence-based best practices

At this highly important session on college students with autism, the speaker will describe evidence-based best practices for ensuring that students with ASD transition to college successfully and derive the best out of their educational experience. He will explain what needs to be done by centers of higher learning at every possible outlet in which students interact with college students with autism, be it the classroom or the residence hall, or the dining facilities or the athletic venues. He will offer learning about how college students with autism are accepted and can fit in into the overall campus community.

Business meeting in an office

At this highly valuable session on college students with autism, the speaker will cover the following areas:

  • Characteristics of College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Ethical and Legal Obligations
  • Teaching Strategies
  • Coping Strategies
  • Interaction Strategies
  • Social Integration
  • Potential Student Discipline Issue and Solutions
  • Reasonable Accommodations
  • Promoting Self-Management
  • Campus Resources (including Counseling Services)
  • Keeping Everyone on the Same Page.

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