Violations of ethical law by psychologists

Violations of ethical law by psychologists are a major topic for the society in general and the healthcare industry in particular because psychologists are a highly trained and skilled workforce in the medical profession. Since mental healthcare practitioners work in today’s diverse, fast-changing, multidisciplinary health care environment; this profession places a vast array of providers before the client seeking mental health services.

Violations of ethical law by psychologists are stated in detail by the American Psychological Association (APA), which formulated and issued the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct in December 1992. This law sets out rules for professional ethical conduct by psychologists. The terms of violations of ethical law by psychologists are clearly laid out by this set of laws.


Shortly referred to as the Ethics Code; this law consists of six General Principles and several specific ethical standards. The rules laid out in these and other sections of the Ethics Code are enforced by members of the APA, although, given the subjective nature of these violations; a broad interpretation of these laws is called for based on the individual case.

Applies only to the psychologist’s practice

It is important to note that the Ethics Code is applicable purely to psychologists’ work-related activities. In other words, the Ethics Code covers only those activities of psychologists that constitute part of the psychologists’ professional or scientific functions or those that are of a psychological nature.

Some of the activities of the Ethics Code that come under the purview of violations of ethical law by psychologists include:

  • Clinical or counseling practice
  • Counseling related to education
  • Developing assessment tools
  • Carrying out assessments
  • Administration
  • Teaching
  • Trainee supervision
  • Social intervention
  • Research
  • Organizational consulting

Why this needs to be mentioned is that all these work-related activities are different from the totally private conduct that a psychologist undertakes. These private interactions and functions are outside the ambit of the Ethics Code, and hence do not come under violations of ethical law by psychologists.

Business group and doctor

Learn the finer aspects of violations of ethical law by psychologists

A complete understanding of the activities and other related aspects of violations of ethical law by psychologists needs to be made if one is to get a thorough hold of the intent and interpretation of this legislation. All these aspects of violations of ethical law by psychologists will be taken up in detail at a webinar that is being organized by MentorHealth, a highly popular provider of professional trainings for all the areas of regulatory compliance.


At this highly valuable and interesting session, Mark Brengelman, who is Attorney at Law at Hazelrigg and Cox LLP, an established law firm that traces its history to over one hundred years in Frankfort, Kentucky and is the founding presenter for “Navigating Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals”, a continuing education training approved by five Kentucky mental health licensure boards; will be the speaker.

To enroll for this lively session and get a complete understanding of how violations of ethical law by psychologists are treated by the APA and the other laws; register by logging on to

The different tenors of the law on violations of ethical law by psychologists

A few aspects related to violations of ethical law by psychologists need to be taken note of. For instance, a complaint given against a mental health practitioner of her alleged misconduct or ethical shortcomings is received and investigated by a State agency. The implication, spirit and applicability of these laws vary from one State to another, causing considerable confusion to the practitioner faced with having to handle and defend the action the State is bringing against her.

At this session, Mark will show how to navigate issues such as this. Participants will learn the ways of identifying and understanding the most common violations of law against psychologists. This gives the practitioner the opportunity to defend against actions by the State which may mar her career prospects.

This webinar on violations of ethical law by psychologists offers an objective, thorough review of the legal and ethical analysis of state licensure board complaints against psychologists.

The speaker will cover the following areas at this webinar:

  • Sources of legal authority for the state to take disciplinary action against psychologists
  • Administrative procedures applied to the process of disciplinary actions
  • Due process standards for the psychologists
  • Defenses to disciplinary action proceedings
  • Review of the most common ethical and legal violations committed by psychologists
  • Practice tips for successfully handling disciplinary action proceedings.


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