Health care boards –an overview

Health care boards are an important element of healthcare governance. These health care boards have oversight of a number issues relating to governance. The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has tightened the oversight functions of health care boards by holding them responsible for any fraud that happens in the healthcare sector. Its Strike Force has been entrusted the responsibility of tracking healthcare frauds, wherever they happen, even if it is into corporate boardrooms that and executive suites that they have to intrude.


Towards ensuring that health care boards carry out their functions, the US department of Health and Human Services (HHS)’ Office of Inspector General (OIG) released its guidance for health care boards, called the Practical Guidance for Health Care Governing Boards on Compliance Oversight in April 2015. This guidance document is a comprehensive one and addresses all the areas of work for health care boards, ranging from expectations from health care boards to compliance program functions, to auditing potential risks to guiding ways by which health care boards need to ensure accountability and compliance.

An understanding of the functions and responsibilities of health care boards

A good and clear understanding of health care boards is necessary for a host of professionals such as Governing Board Members, Trustees and Directors, healthcare executives, In-House Counsel, and CFO’s and HR professionals in the healthcare industry. MentorHealth, a highly regarded provider of professional trainings for the healthcare industry, will offer just this at a webinar that it is organizing

At this webinar, Joseph Wolfe, an attorney with Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C., who provides advice and counsel to some of the nation’s largest health systems, hospitals and medical groups on a variety of health care issues; will be the speaker. To register for this learning session, just log on to

Legal standards and governance issues in health care boards

A discussion of the legal standards and governance issues related to the compliance and oversight responsibilities of health care boards will be the core theme of this webinar. Offering an overview of the major fraud and abuse laws applicable to healthcare organizations; Joseph will explain the ways by which to apply them under common arrangements with physicians, so directors can ask appropriate questions.


This webinar on health care boards will educate its participants on a number of legal standards and governance issues such as director duties, conflicts of interest, intermediate sanctions, compliance issues, etc., which are directly related to the board’s compliance and oversight responsibilities.

Healthcare organizations come into common arrangements with physicians, during which they need to keep aspects such as:

  • Physician practice acquisitions
  • Employment
  • Recruitment
  • Call coverage agreements, and many others.

During the course of working out these agreements, they need to be compliant with the provisions of the existing important fraud and abuse laws such as the Stark Law.  At this webinar on health care boards, the speaker will also provide an overview of these major laws and the ways by which healthcare organizations need to apply these laws.

Asking the right questions

In a scenario in which healthcare organizations seek to bring about alignment and expansion of their physician relationships; a good understanding of these laws will help governing boards ask the right questions.

With health care governing boards assuming oversight of new functions such as physician compensation arrangements and with many physicians being directly employed; these issues are becoming an increasingly important responsibility for healthcare organizations. This webinar will offer insight into compensation-focused compliance and board oversight strategies, implementing which; healthcare organizations can mitigate regulatory risk.


At this important session on health care boards, the speaker, Joseph Wolfe will cover the following areas:

  • A review of the fiduciary duties and other legal aspects of serving on the governing board
  • Offering a general overview of the Stark Law and other fraud and abuse laws applicable to financial relationships with referring physicians, including a discussion of recent enforcement trends
  • Describing the features of common financial arrangements with referring physicians
  • A discussion of emerging compensation-focused compliance strategies and best practices.


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