How to prevent violence in the workplace

How to prevent violence in the workplace is one challenge many organizations across the world face. Workplace violence is a very common, but yet, complex phenomenon. It is as serious a social issue as say, alcoholism or spouse beating. It is simply not the case that employers can feel safe about every employee of theirs by just putting up a policy statement that takes a strong stand against violence.

Organizations need to take this not as some trivial issue that will come once in a while and fade away, but as one that is detrimental of both the employees and the organization. A startling fact reveals the gravity of this issue –as way back as nearly two decades ago –from the early to mid-1990’s –there were close to two million instances of workplace violence in the US.

Steps to take on how to prevent violence in the workplace

There are some ways about how to prevent violence at the workplace. The organization could put measures such as these:

  • Identifying the perpetrator and isolating him or her to the extent possible;
  • Denying access to weapons or any other injury-causing objects in the office for this employee;
  • Never allowing employees to work singly, but always in groups, at least small ones;
  • If there is an employee who has been known to have been targeted, such an employee has to be protected –both while working and outside;
  • In case of threats of violence from outside the organization, the organization needs to train employees on how to deal with it.

Understand the deeper causes

While the steps suggested above are important and go some way in addressing the issue of how to prevent violence in the workplace; these are steps that treat the symptoms of this malaise. Organizations surely need to put security measures such as these in place, but they need to understand workplace violence at its roots. They need to make a detailed and thorough understanding of this issue if they have to overcome the problem. This calls for a proper understanding on a case-by-case basis.

People who resort to violence are usually those who have deep-seated insecurity or grievance, in some instances real, and in some others, perceived. They are usually people who come from tormented and disturbed backgrounds. They need to be counseled about the consequences and futility of their behavior. This is not always the simplest of options, but something that requires time and effort. All this would be worthwhile, because addressing the root of the problem is the surest way on how to prevent violence in the workplace. Although time consuming and laborious, it is well worth the pursuit.



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